Two Green Sea Turtles rescued in Japan
We are excited to see film footage of two Green Sea Turtles which were rescued with our Ray Tray and taken to Sealife Nagoya (Legoland Japan).
When they arrived the team used our Small Ray Tray.
They write...
Two green turtles have joined the family at Sea Life Nagoya!
2 green sea turtles were unexpectedly caught in a fisherman’s net this winter off Muroto, Kochi Prefecture. They were then rescued and transported to sea life Nagoya to give them medical treatment. We will continue to observe the progress of the health status of the two. After their recovery, which may take a year or so, we will release them were they were caught. They will be fitted with a satellite tracker, so we can monitor them.
Please note; the period from May 7 (Tuesday) to June 30 (Sun), including World Ocean Day on June 8 (Saturday), will be the Environmental Enlightenment Month of the Sea. The mission of this event is to protect the environment. We "Wel" kame" you to SEA LIFE, so you get an insight into our activities.
Original text
また、6月8日(土)の世界海洋デーを含む2019年5月7日(火)~6月30日(日)の期間を海の環境問題啓発月間とし、当館のミッションである環境保護への取り組みを紹介する「Wel"kame" to SEA LIFE!(ウェルカメ トゥ シーライフ)」を開催いたします。