Our new Flat Ray Nets at The National Aquarium in Abu Dhabi

Our new Flat Ray Nets are used successfully in preparation for the grand opening of The National Aquarium in Abu Dhabi.

We are extremely pleased to have received confirmation that a new product we have developed is working extremely well for our dear friend Lewis Cocks and his team.

The Flat Ray Nets are easy to use and reduce the time catching and moving the rays to an absolute minimum.

Which is much safer for the aquarists and reduces stress for the rays significantly.

The video footage and visuals are testament to this and which we are excited to share with you.

Overall a wonderful development!

We wish everyone at The National Aquarium all the best with the launch of this incredible project.

Read here what Lewis says..

“The 1-2-1 Flat Ray Nets are perfect for moving these freshwater rays.

The National Aquarium, Abu Dhabi received 30 amazing Potamotrygon spp for our flooded forest exhibit.

The nets were used to quickly and safely transfer the rays and worked great.

These nets will be routinely used to inspect and de-barb the rays.

We also use these nets to help capture delicate animals and are versatile.

The National Aquarium, Abu Dhabi is still in the pre-opening stages, but it is going to be a very exciting aquarium with lots to offer!

Once again 1-2-1 Handling equipment always impresses us!”

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  • Flat Ray Scoop Nets (email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for more info)

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