Budapest Zoo & Botanical Garden opens it’s shark nursery
We are very excited, proud and fulfilled that the use of our products has helped Lilian and her team to move all marine animals into their new home.
It has been a project which we have been in progress for a long time, and to have had the pleasure and see the result with our own eyes during our visit recently was simply mind-blowing!
We would like to congratulate everyone for being such professional and passionate people - simply INSPIRING!
Lilian writes;
"1-2-1 products make every day's work so easy! We use all the nets, ray trays and gloves in our everyday routine. Transport, a longer examination or just a daily check on the animals, I can’t imagine to be working without them!"
The Shark School is now open - January 16, 2019
In December 2018 a new Shark School was added to the attractions of the Once-upon-a-Time Castle. This exciting exhibit gives an insight to a world that in most zoos is behind the scenes.
In the new Shark School, the young sharks grow up in front of the public's eyes, and visitors can see how the aquarists deal with them and teach them to live together with other inhabitants of the aquarium and to cooperate with their trainers if they need an examination or treatment.
'Students' of the Shark School will move later into the large Pannonian Sea shark tank of the future Pannon Park.
The Shark School already displays four different shark species: blacktip reef shark, nurse shark, tawny nurse shark and zebra shark.
However, in 2019 further shark species will be added to the Shark School.
Apart from the sharks, several kinds of rays and several species of bony fish, amongst others a giant grouper, are on display.
The Shark School has been designed to exhibit the technological areas as well, which ensure the appropriate seawater quality.
In this way it is possible to observe the work of our aquarists.
Read the original article.