Blue Planet operate on a large Stingray

Blue Planet operate on a large Stingray

We are grateful to The Blue Planet team for sharing their experience of medically treating a Large Stingray.

It is interesting to note that the Blue Planet team used our Extra Strong Sea Turtle Carrier for this purpose.

And of course in order to cut the stingray's barb they have used our specialist animal handling gloves, to ensure the safest possible way to conduct this.

They write...

Shock on the operating table!

On Wednesday, veterinarian Kasper Jørgensen faced a major task.

The Big Plan of the Blue Planet was to cut out a huge haematoma filled with blood of a large Stingray.

And in the end, it was cut out at last!

Check out the video below.

Warning: lots of blood! NB: Bloopers at the end.

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